

語音聲學 說話聲音的科學

這本書 : 語音聲學 可以當作主唱的參考書. 


這不是閒書, 這是科學書. 

但這發音特性歌手若有研究"怎麼唱" 會有深度理解.

母音, 塞音,摩擦音,塞擦音, 鼻音, 鼻化母音,邊音.
鼻音, 鼻化母音, 邊音的聲學特性

以上這些主題, 對廣播人,媒體人實在助益很大, 

這書是很棒的科學基礎,若懂這書的聲學內容,  對聲音的分析和應用功力肯定大增. 

相關課程應該是我們五一(五專一年級)的語訓(語言訓練),老師真的一個一個要求學生矯正國語發音, 練繞口令, 當年媒體人標準口語發音要求很嚴格,廣播播報肯定都是非常漂亮好聽的標準國語

但就我的理解就算現今研究所主修廣播,也都不懂這些聲音原理. 我同學念廣播研究所, 論文是研究廣播電台的定位, 

以前應該是沒書可念, 這些聲學的知識, 台灣沒有.

語音聲學領域,資料分析要用. 手機上的語音辨識 (speech recognition) 都要靠語音聲學的科學基礎.   

這是一本很學術的中文書, 應該滿冷門.

但我覺得傳播人,音樂人應該要加深認知的深度. 這才比較像傳播領域的知識.


Herb Ellis Solo Guitar

Herb Ellis 的爵士吉他,易學,易懂,純. 適合作教材. 

我聽他的一段教學, 講解的很不錯, 就 G 和弦
音階和半音階, 一個一個彈給你聽, G backing chord, 

練Swing帶點Country或 Blues,聽他的作品不錯, 

大師都有樂句精煉簡潔的特質, 同樣一個ˊChord, 他就不會爬很多音到處找, 

音少, 音準, 有味道.  

原來好的Jazz 也不是那麼難. 

50年代 他是和鋼琴手Oscar Peterson 組一個三重奏


Ellis in Wonderland (Verve, 1956)

Nothing But the Blues (Verve, 1957) with Roy Eldridge, Stan Getz, Oscar Peterson, Ray 
Brown, Stan Levey, Gus Johnson

Herb Ellis Meets Jimmy Giuffre (Verve, 1959)

Thank You Charlie Christian (1960)

Softly... But with That Feeling (1962)

The Midnight Roll (Epic, 1962), with Ray Bryant, Israel Crosby, Jimmy Rowser, Gus Johnson, Roy Eldridge, Frank Assunto, and Buddy Tate
Guitar/Guitar (1963) with Charlie Byrd

Jazz/Concord (Concord Jazz, 1972) with Joe Pass, Ray Brown, Jake Hanna

Seven, Come Eleven (Concord Jazz, 1973)

Two for the Road (Concord Jazz, 1974) with Joe Pass

Herb Ellis & Ray Brown's Soft Shoe (Concord Jazz, 1974) with Harry Sweets Edison, 
George Duke

Hot Tracks (Concord Jazz, 1975) with Sweets Edison, Plas Johnson, Monty Budwig, Jake Hanna

Windflower (Concord, 1978) with Remo Palmier

Soft & Mellow (Concord Jazz, 1978)

Hello Herbie (PA USA, 1981) with Oscar Peterson

When You're Smiling (Atlas, 1983)

Sweet and Lovely (Atlas, 1983)

Doggin' Around (Concord Jazz 1988) Duo with Red Mitchell

Roll Call (Justice, 1991) with Melvin Rhyne

Texas Swings (Justice, 1992) // 這張我有

An Evening with Herb Ellis (Jazz Focus, 1995) with Chuck Israels

Herb Ellis & Stuff Smith - Together ! (1998)

Joe's Blues (Laserlight, 1998) with Joe Pass


Liz Story

Liz Story的鋼琴專輯,我很久以前就有聽過. 

鋼琴畢竟是樂器之王, 能探索的音域最廣最深. 
聽她的音樂, 我很快就沉靜下來,想到很多事. 

前一陣子, 在網上遇到同學,被加入班上的社群,


畢業已經25年, 在臉書上遇到百感交集, 很尷尬, 很難過, 





網上的她已是2個孩子的媽, 還是美人胚子一個, 
那個美, 真是天生的基因, 


她已遠嫁澳門, 我也不知作外配是何感受? 



我選擇沉默, 只是想想. 

顯然我不懂照顧人, 當時年紀太小,太安逸. 缺那種同理心.

當年她是台中來念書, 我不懂. 照顧她太少, 
是否生命得到啟發? 或遇到貴人?

後來,我留在系上專攻電影, 退伍後, 同學們大概輾轉知道我遠赴英國留學, 

從眾的多. 也許她就這樣嫁做人婦了.

現在我還是在台北, 也常在學校一帶活動, 


想一想, 我算負心漢嗎? 

但我想, 跟一個澳門人,若不是真愛,那會是人生裡很大的寂寞.  


John Scofield

我學生時代就有學他的音樂,但當時還沒有網路, 買一本他寫教材,好貴阿, 但我沒遇過其他老師有討論過他的作品. 我還是有在聽. #JazzRock #Fusion 
他的風格,像是內斂的知識份子, 樂句冷靜, 精煉,少花俏, 深奧又平靜之感.




鳥語聲喧的清晨 悄悄起身披衣
誰在門外喚我  喚我迎向朝陽
無限沉靜的清晨 獨自走向林間
迷霧漸漸退去  苔痕露珠晶瑩

心中舒暢快意  天地無限盡好
留取光芒幾許  剎那化作永恆

鐘聲遙遠的黃昏 獨坐窗前凝想
誰在遠處招手  招我走入夕陽
晚霞如火的黃昏 獨自走向田園
暮雲緩緩消失  夜空星辰閃耀


Tom Petty 12首歌

聽熟這12首就很夠了,這都是很成熟, 很成功的作品,
簡單,訊息清楚. 創作可以簡化到這樣

如果這樣的編曲結構, 組團都搞不定, 想不清, 那就還不到創作的程度

1. American Girl 

American Girl packed all the band’s essential elements – Byrds-like chiming guitars, hard-nosed yet wistful lyrics, widescreen hooks and Petty’s personable southern drawl – into one tight, irresistible package.

2. I Need To Know // https://youtu.be/S8huQdtsWcw

punk with their fiercest rocker yet. 

But while the band sped out of the gate, Petty’s airy vocals floated over the top like a dreamy counterpoint. 
He and Mike Campbell jabbed their guitars like they were chopping ice, but the musical ace here was Benmont Tench, who provided elegant, Gershwinesque piano flourishes. From You’re Gonna Get It! (1978)

3. Shadow Of A Doubt (A Complex Kid) // https://youtu.be/Oekf-RdUS2E

4. A Woman In Love (It’s Not Me) // https://youtu.be/fKDYErlu5Kc

the Heartbreakers, 失戀團

Petty’s soul bled with longing and regret as he uttered, 

‘She’s a woman in love… but it’s not me,’ his cracked voice disappearing behind Tench’s searing keyboard swirl. From Hard Promises (1981)

5. Don’t Come Around Here No More // https://youtu.be/GNvS0UAt58s

 Southern Accents, an album steeped in rousing rebel pride. 

Interestingly, the record’s standout track, Don’t Come Around Here No More, Petty’s collaboration with Dave Stewart, is more Sgt. Pepper than Deep South. It’s a trance-like, sitar-laced piece of pop art that makes time and place stand still as it casts its cosmic spell. 

From Southern Accents (1985)

XXX 6   Jammin’ Me // https://youtu.be/TCFAzPl1QmE

Eddie Murphy wasn’t too pleased about being namechecked in Petty’s laundry list of overexposed 80s celebrities – though there’s no word what Vanessa Redgrave or Joe Piscopo thought. After the meticulously crafted Southern Accents, Petty and his band got back to stripped-down, ramshackle rocking, and this Stonesy effort (co-written by Bob Dylan) packed grit and good humour alongside biting social commentary. 

From Let Me Up (I’ve Had Enough) (1987)

7 Last Night // https://youtu.be/NsDNEFaO1Ek

8 A Face In The Crowd // https://youtu.be/z_umeMtV4QU

 A Face In The Crowd, a plaintive and altogether chilling ballad in which Petty – dispensing with any of his characteristic vocal stylizations – recalls the beauty of falling in love from out of nowhere. 

From Full Moon Fever (1989)

9 You Don’t Know How It Feels  // https://youtu.be/9TlBTPITo1I

Tom Petty Petty entered his mid-40s with nothing left to prove. For his second solo disc (which, of course, featured some of the Heartbreakers), he turned to maverick producer Rick Rubin, whose minimalist approach provided for a grittier and more intimate vibe. 

Overall, Petty sounded relaxed and jovial, especially on the gently rocking You Don’t Know How It Feels, on which he gave radio censors this beaut: ‘Let me get to the point/Let’s roll another joint.’ 

From Wildflowers (1994)

10 alls (Circus) // https://youtu.be/ZfS6Nl962Qg

The record was loose and engaging and featured a number of stellar cuts, such as Walls (Circus). 

Petty sounded right at home amid the ringing 12-string guitars, and guest vocalist Lindsey Buckingham lifted each chorus high into the California sun

From Songs And Music From She’s The One (1996)

11 Good Enough // https://youtu.be/UE9mM_ut62Y


The combination of Mike Campbell’s tortured guitar soloing and Petty’s heartsick vocals was emotional dynamite. 

From Mojo(2010)

12    Burnt Out Town // https://youtu.be/aMC6N7m2Is8

rock, blues, a litle Jazz

On Burnt Out Town, Petty is in storyteller mode, spinning a gin-soaked yarn about failed America as he yowls and howls like Jagger – though there’s clearly a little John Lee Hooker and George Thorogood in there too

One could sense Petty’s pride in being an elder statesman of rock, leading the band he loved, and he carried that with him until his tragically premature end. From Hypnotic Eye (2014)

Smooth Jazz

很多場合都適合播放演奏Smooth Jazz.

風格, 易聽,易懂,  流行感,  無爵士的任意即興

社群裡介紹過, 有興趣的人不多, 

若是開店做生意,可以考慮Smooth Jazz 的音樂, 