
Samantha Fish

運用 藍調音樂 作創作的台灣樂團應該不多吧. 搞後搖團的最多
學國外文化本來就不容易, 還要能轉化應用肯定不簡單.
從我看到的資料來看, 台灣的電影和音樂,去中心化, 邊緣化的情況很明顯, 很多人玩團, 樂手滿街跑, 但事實上跟國際的接軌很少,也賣不出去.
音樂像自來水般廉價, 怎能驅動什麼經濟?
一堆樂團, 但根本賺不到, 那是假的熱鬧, 給公務員作績效的


What I really learned from Luther, because I was playing a lot of notes, show-off-y and flashy shit, Luther said, ‘Play melodic. If you can’t sing the line it’s not going to connect. People want to be able to have a melody they can sing to and a great hook.

