
Herb Ellis Solo Guitar

Herb Ellis 的爵士吉他,易學,易懂,純. 適合作教材. 

我聽他的一段教學, 講解的很不錯, 就 G 和弦
音階和半音階, 一個一個彈給你聽, G backing chord, 

練Swing帶點Country或 Blues,聽他的作品不錯, 

大師都有樂句精煉簡潔的特質, 同樣一個ˊChord, 他就不會爬很多音到處找, 

音少, 音準, 有味道.  

原來好的Jazz 也不是那麼難. 

50年代 他是和鋼琴手Oscar Peterson 組一個三重奏


Ellis in Wonderland (Verve, 1956)

Nothing But the Blues (Verve, 1957) with Roy Eldridge, Stan Getz, Oscar Peterson, Ray 
Brown, Stan Levey, Gus Johnson

Herb Ellis Meets Jimmy Giuffre (Verve, 1959)

Thank You Charlie Christian (1960)

Softly... But with That Feeling (1962)

The Midnight Roll (Epic, 1962), with Ray Bryant, Israel Crosby, Jimmy Rowser, Gus Johnson, Roy Eldridge, Frank Assunto, and Buddy Tate
Guitar/Guitar (1963) with Charlie Byrd

Jazz/Concord (Concord Jazz, 1972) with Joe Pass, Ray Brown, Jake Hanna

Seven, Come Eleven (Concord Jazz, 1973)

Two for the Road (Concord Jazz, 1974) with Joe Pass

Herb Ellis & Ray Brown's Soft Shoe (Concord Jazz, 1974) with Harry Sweets Edison, 
George Duke

Hot Tracks (Concord Jazz, 1975) with Sweets Edison, Plas Johnson, Monty Budwig, Jake Hanna

Windflower (Concord, 1978) with Remo Palmier

Soft & Mellow (Concord Jazz, 1978)

Hello Herbie (PA USA, 1981) with Oscar Peterson

When You're Smiling (Atlas, 1983)

Sweet and Lovely (Atlas, 1983)

Doggin' Around (Concord Jazz 1988) Duo with Red Mitchell

Roll Call (Justice, 1991) with Melvin Rhyne

Texas Swings (Justice, 1992) // 這張我有

An Evening with Herb Ellis (Jazz Focus, 1995) with Chuck Israels

Herb Ellis & Stuff Smith - Together ! (1998)

Joe's Blues (Laserlight, 1998) with Joe Pass

